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發(fā)布于:2024-09-29 13:00:14




北海道理工大學(xué)附屬中學(xué) / TAISEI DESIGN Planners Architects & Engineers
Hokkaido University of Science High School / TAISEI DESIGN Planners Architects & Engineers


這座三角形教學(xué)樓打造的一系列獨特場所——成為教學(xué)建筑設(shè)計的新策略。在設(shè)計學(xué)校時,通常的做法是沿操場布置一排排教室,并用走廊將這些教室連接起來。自明治時代(1868-1912 年)日本建立現(xiàn)代學(xué)校制度并出現(xiàn)教學(xué)建筑以來,全國各地出現(xiàn)了許多此類校園建筑規(guī)劃設(shè)計。然而,近年來多樣化的教育需求則催生了對不同類型教學(xué)樓設(shè)計的探索。

A triangular school building creates various unique places—a new approach to school building design. When designing a school building, it is common practice to arrange rows of classrooms along a schoolyard and connect those rooms by corridors. Since the modern school system was established in the Meiji Era (1868-1912) and buildings categorized as school buildings emerged in Japan, many such building plans have been produced throughout the country. The persifying educational needs in recent years, however, have given rise to circumstances where different types of school buildings are required.






The new school building of the Hokkaido University of Science High School represents a new type of school plan, where rectangular classrooms are laid out in a triangular building so that the spaces created between the classrooms can be used for various activities. In-between spaces in front of the classrooms, which are inevitably produced because of the geometrical characteristics of a triangle, vary in area and height, and those spaces are furnished in various ways. Students can choose the places they like from various in-between spaces, sometimes visible between or through the stairways, and mezzanine-like spaces, sometimes hidden by them, to start their voluntary activities. This embodies the school's concept of education, "Learn voluntarily."





The structural design features a triangular plan containing rectangular classrooms to form cores (earthquake-resistant elements) interconnected by slabs. Since the cores are designed to be reinforced concrete structures and the slabs are void slabs, the cores and slabs laid out in the plan form a three-dimensional space allowing unrestricted movement. This unprecedented use of space creates places where students can have accidental encounters and make new discoveries to foster their ability to think and bring about innovations.






Hokkaido University of Science High School attempts to create a new type of school building architecture. Other attempts have been made in the past to come up with innovative school plans. Such attempts are most fundamental to and important for school building design and are a road that we should continue down.
























建筑設(shè)計:TAISEI DESIGN Planners Architects & Engineers
面積:13200 m²
攝影:Creative Eyes, Graytone Photographs
制造商:Fujisash Co.,Ltd
承包商:Taisei Corporation
設(shè)計團隊:Hideto Koshiishi, Yoshiki Nishio, Shiori Tamino, Morihisa Takashima, Ayuko Noguchi
結(jié)構(gòu)工程:Takahiro Nakajima, Tatsuya Sueki, Naoya Sano
機電工程:Hideo Ryo, Rikako Ito, Ysuhiko Matsumura, Satoshi Yoshioka
景觀設(shè)計:Takefumi Yamashita
客戶:Hokkaido University of Science
標(biāo)識設(shè)計: Emotional Space Design inc.

Architects: TAISEI DESIGN Planners Architects & Engineers
Area: 13200 m²
Year: 2022
Photographs:Creative Eyes, Graytone Photographs
Manufacturers:  Fujisash Co.,Ltd
Contractors: Taisei Corporation
Design Team: Hideto Koshiishi, Yoshiki Nishio, Shiori Tamino, Morihisa Takashima, Ayuko Noguchi
Structura Engineers: Takahiro Nakajima, Tatsuya Sueki, Naoya Sano
Mep Engineers: Hideo Ryo, Rikako Ito, Ysuhiko Matsumura, Satoshi Yoshioka
Landscape Designer: Takefumi Yamashita
Client: Hokkaido University of Science
Sign Design: Emotional Space Design inc.
Country: Japan




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