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發(fā)布于:2024-09-27 14:00:05


建筑賞析 |
東南角整體鳥瞰? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影

設(shè)計(jì)單位? 中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司

項(xiàng)目地點(diǎn)? 山東青島

建成時(shí)間? 2023年4月

建筑面積? 194105平方米


01 概況

01 Overview



The Qingdao Youth Football Stadium is the first large-scale professional football stadium in Shandong Province, located in Chengyang District, Qingdao. The project covers a total land area of 163,000 square meters, with a total construction area of 194,000 square meters. It includes a 50,000-seat professional football stadium, a multi-purpose training hall, a swimming training hall, and supporting commercial facilities. The project, themed "Vibrant Qingdao · Dynamic Waves," showcases the energy and maritime character of Qingdao. Since its completion in April 2023, the stadium has not only successfully hosted numerous top-tier international and domestic football matches but also accommodates a wide range of activities, including public fitness programs and youth sports training. It has become a key landmark that enhances Qingdao's urban image and promotes the city's development.


項(xiàng)目區(qū)位與總平面圖? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司

▲ 項(xiàng)目視頻? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司



02 賽場典范——專業(yè)化的高品質(zhì)足球場館

02 Benchmark Stadium—A High-Quality Professional Football Venue



To match Qingdao’s reputation as a "City of Football" in China and to set a benchmark for professional stadiums, this project was designed with the goal of hosting the Asian Cup semifinals. The stadium’s scale, event functions, and technical features were all designed to meet international Class A event standards, creating a world-leading professional football venue with the potential to host future World Cup matches.


從場地西側(cè)看足球場與嶗山? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


The stadium employs a cohesive and compact design for the interior and fa?ade, significantly enhancing space utilization efficiency. The outer fa?ade is closely aligned with the shape of the stands, minimizing unnecessary spatial volume. Compared to stadiums of similar size, its dimensions are reduced by approximately 10%, effectively lowering construction and long-term operational costs.


看臺(tái)產(chǎn)品分類與視線設(shè)計(jì)? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司



In response to the specific requirements of football matches, the design features a pioneering dual-layer, ring-shaped open stand configuration. By moderately increasing the proportion of lower-tier stands, the design brings spectators closer to the pitch, fostering a more intense and immersive atmosphere. The upper-tier stands are divided into four independent sections by openings in areas with slightly compromised sightlines, with each section’s seating C-value, stand inclination, and viewing distance carefully optimized. Calculations show that all lower-tier seats are within the optimal 90-meter viewing distance, while all upper-tier seats are within a maximum 190-meter viewing distance, ensuring that every seat offers an excellent view of the match. The alignment of the stand openings with the transparent grille fa?ade significantly improves natural ventilation throughout the stadium, enhancing the internal wind environment and reducing the maintenance complexity of the pitch.


看臺(tái)產(chǎn)品分類與視線設(shè)計(jì)? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司
看臺(tái)與幕墻一體化設(shè)計(jì)? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司


The design integrates international trends with domestic viewing preferences, creating a diverse range of stand products for various spectator groups, including VIPs, sponsors, and home and away fans, greatly enhancing the viewing experience and commercial value of the stadium. The internal event service and fan reception spaces are designed with both functionality and comfort in mind, with different zones serving VIPs, athletes, organizing committees, media, and general spectators, ensuring efficient and orderly operations during events.


足球場混訪區(qū)? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影
足球場新聞發(fā)布廳? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


The integration of architectural design with sports technology is key to the stadium’s modernization. The application of multiple innovative technologies ensures that the stadium is an ideal venue for high-level events. The roof features a high-transparency ETFE membrane, which effectively reduces roof load while enhancing light transmission, ensuring sufficient sunlight for the pitch. The dual-layer ring-shaped catwalk design provides uniform lighting across the field and stands, ensuring optimal illumination for night matches. The pitch itself utilizes an internationally advanced hybrid grass system that combines artificial fibers with natural grass, supported by an underground heating and ventilation system, allowing the pitch to adapt to variable climate conditions.


足球場內(nèi)場? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


03 城市地標(biāo)——城市精神的匠心營造

03 City Landmark—A Space Embodying Urban Spirit



The design of the stadium employs modern, minimalist architectural language to interpret the unique urban character of Qingdao through its spatial composition and building form. Drawing inspiration from the sea, the design concept, "Dynamic Waves," reflects Qingdao’s beautiful coastal scenery, with the fa?ade evoking the rhythm of waves lifted by the wind. The building’s exterior follows the gentle undulations of the stands, wrapped in perforated panels, grilles, and ETFE membranes that create a flowing, interwoven fa?ade texture.


足球場西側(cè)局部? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影
足球場北側(cè)半鳥瞰? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


The lighting system is seamlessly integrated into the fa?ade design, with a variety of lighting techniques employed based on the characteristics of different fa?ade sections. These include wall washers, high-mast lights, and perforated aluminum panel lights. This multi-layered lighting design ensures high-quality illumination, creating an elegant and dynamic visual effect at night. The stadium's luminous fa?ade, harmoniously integrated with the lighting system, offers a unique nighttime impression of Qingdao.


足球場泛光設(shè)計(jì)? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司


Through an integrated "architecture-structure-fa?ade" design and parametric intelligent modeling, the building’s exterior achieves a high standard of unitized, prefabricated construction. The seamless integration of materials such as perforated panels, grilles, and ETFE membranes with the primary and secondary mullions and structural components of the fa?ade showcases the intricate details of the "wave-making" concept within the "Dynamic Waves" theme. The result is a smooth and elegant realization of the original design vision.


從景觀屋面看足球場? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影
足球場東側(cè)局部? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


04 場館營城——新一代公園化的體育綜合體

04 Venue-Driven Urban Integration—A New Generation Park-Style Sports Complex



Beyond its core function as a high-standard football stadium, the design focuses on creating future-oriented living spaces, envisioning a new generation of park-like sports complexes. Within a limited space, the project incorporates a variety of sports-related facilities, including multi-purpose training grounds, a swimming pool, and a sports training center, as well as cultural and tourism amenities such as a football museum, fan shops, and specialty dining options. These features ensure that the venue remains a vibrant destination for the public even outside of match days, enhancing its operational sustainability and transforming it into a dynamic urban hub that offers diverse activities for all ages, around the clock, and throughout the year.


東北角整體鳥瞰? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


The stadium’s design integrates with the ecological landscape structure of the surrounding urban area. On an urban scale, the stadium serves as the central element of a landscape network, connecting with nearby green belts, water systems, and park landscapes to create an ecological corridor that links the city through parks. Within the site, the professional football field is prominently displayed, while other elements such as the stadium platform, commercial spaces, and ground-level landscapes are seamlessly integrated into the design. Pedestrian pathways are thoughtfully arranged to create a multi-dimensional walking experience, resulting in a layered, vibrant space that functions as an open, active, park-like urban greenway and slow traffic system. This approach establishes the venue as a lively, open sports center that blends harmoniously with its park-like surroundings.


足球場與城市景觀關(guān)系示意圖? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司
東側(cè)景觀步行路徑示意圖? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司
景觀屋面局部? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


The design also emphasizes the "station-city integration" concept, focusing on the connectivity between the stadium and surrounding areas. By integrating the underground commercial space, metro station, and underground sports and leisure spaces with the nearby northern rail station and surrounding functions, the design creates a seamless connection between these elements through sunken courtyards and a fan plaza. This high-density, multi-level interconnected urban public space enhances the accessibility and commercial value of the entire district.


地下空間與地鐵關(guān)系示意圖? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司


05 匠心營造——?jiǎng)?chuàng)新技術(shù)引領(lǐng)下的一體設(shè)計(jì)

05 Innovative Design—Unified Construction through Cutting-Edge Technology



Throughout the entire design process, close collaboration among all disciplines and a commitment to innovation were key to achieving high-quality construction and sustainable development. The project integrated several innovative technologies, including prefabricated stands, active and passive energy-saving and carbon reduction techniques, and intelligent stadium systems, ensuring that the building meets high standards of performance and sustainability.


足球場西側(cè)雨水花園示意圖? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司


The football stadium features a large-span cable-supported single-layer grid structure, with an interior roof overhang of 55 meters—the longest of its kind in China. Paired with the highly transparent ETFE membrane material for the roof, this design achieves a simple and lightweight architectural effect.


足球場結(jié)構(gòu)與幕墻示意圖? ?中國建筑西南設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限公司
足球場屋蓋ETFE膜材與看臺(tái)局部? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


The alignment of the single-layer shell structure on the exterior fa?ade with the architectural texture creates a harmonious integration of structural selection, architectural design, and the curtain wall system. This approach significantly reduces the need for secondary structural components on the fa?ade, ensuring a seamless unity between architecture and structure. The design is both structurally sound and logically coherent, which not only shortens the construction period but also substantially reduces investment costs.


足球場觀眾休息廳? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


The concrete structural system of the spectator hall in the football stadium and the large-span space in the swimming hall create poetic spaces through their design. Techniques such as chamfering and cutting angles were applied to the concrete elements, transforming structural components into artistic, architectural, and spatial features. This approach creates a rhythmic and sequential poetic space.


足球場觀眾休息廳? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影
游泳訓(xùn)練館? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


The roof of the multi-purpose hall uses a tensioned-cable beam structure as its main form, incorporating a light pipe daylighting system within the cable members. These light pipes, embedded in the tensioned beam web members, maximize the introduction of natural light into the interior, reducing the need for artificial lighting. Simultaneously, they create a "starry sky" effect within the indoor space, enhancing the ambiance.


多功能訓(xùn)練館? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影


06 結(jié)語

06 Conclusion



As the operational capabilities of the stadium continue to expand and a series of high-quality events are successfully hosted, the Qingdao Youth Football Stadium has become a crucial engine for advancing both competitive sports and public fitness initiatives. The stadium not only injects new vitality into the city’s sports and cultural life but also promotes the deep integration of football and the broader sports industry. It lays a solid foundation for the high-quality development of Qingdao’s sports sector.


東南角夜景鳥瞰? ?存在建筑-建筑攝影













設(shè)計(jì)副總負(fù)責(zé)人:賈偉 、劉德成















上一篇:政策新聞 | 珠海市商品住房銷售價(jià)格備案公示表(京華家和花園A區(qū)1、6、8棟58套)

下一篇:政策新聞 | 常德市住建局關(guān)于向社會(huì)公開征求意見的公告




